Wed, 30 Nov 2022 18:45:27 +0000 •
Amelia Hoskins had a lot of work experience in 2020—mostly in the fast-food industry—when she decided it was time for a change, specifically to something she could do from home.
And that’s where Teleworks USA came into the picture.
Amelia Hoskins
“I had plenty of customer service experience and was very good with computers,” says Hoskins, a resident of Clay County. “I really wanted to work from home, and so I began looking at various ways to make this happen when I saw a Facebook post about Teleworks.”
A division of Eastern Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program (EKCEP), Teleworks USA identifies and develops legitimate remote-work job opportunities with multiple national and global companies. Teleworks USA’s team of experts can also help prepare people for the jobs by upskilling them in customer service and technical support workshops, helping them craft strong résumés and hone their interviewing skills, and assisting them in applying for available jobs.
Shortly after contacting the team at Teleworks USA in 2020, Hoskins began working with Amy Nunn, an employment specialist who in turn connected her with a position at Concentrix, a company providing services for both software and hardware customers.
Hoskins says the benefits of being able to work from home were apparent not long after she began her new job, from reduced costs for daycare and travel to being able to maintain a residence in her hometown without having to uproot her family for work in a different community. And with Concentrix, she says she learned more about effectively working from home and was promoted to different roles. It was a good experience with a good company, she adds.
After a couple years, Hoskins says she began looking for opportunities that would help her continue to advance. In summer 2022, she contacted Teleworks USA Operations Manager Betty Hays, who was working with another company called Centratel that had immediate openings for Kentucky residents.
Based in the United States with headquarters in Oregon, Centratel provides telephone answering services and the job openings available were precisely what Hoskins was looking for. She applied and in November began her new job.
“After talking to Betty Hays about the job and doing some research on my own at her suggestion, I realized that this was a great company and opportunity for remote work,” Hoskins says. “Centratel brought competitive pay to the table. They also brought fairness and opportunities for growth—both areas that I was looking for.”
Hoskins has been with Centratel for nearly a month and says her initial decision in 2020 to begin looking for remote work was the right decision, and she’s looking forward to continuing her career with Centratel.
“I make more money working from home than I ever did working outside my home,” she says. “It gave me an opportunity to try something new and it is literally the best thing that has happened for me. I am thankful for the help of the staff at Teleworks USA for bringing these opportunities to our region.”
To learn more about Teleworks USA, visit or search for Teleworks USA on Facebook.
EKCEP, a nonprofit workforce development agency headquartered in Hazard, Ky., serves the citizens of 23 Appalachian coalfield counties. The agency provides an array of workforce development services and operates the Kentucky Career Center JobSight network of workforce centers, which provide access to more than a dozen state and federal programs that offer employment and training assistance for job seekers and employers all under one roof. Learn more about us at, and