Thu, 06 Jul 2023 15:16:52 +0000 •
Emma Ledington was already on her way to a career in nursing when she first learned about the employment services available at her local Kentucky Career Center JobSight in Knox County. It was summer 2022 and she was enrolled in Southeast Kentucky Community & Technical College’s nursing program, but she also wanted to get some work experience while in school.
Emma Ledington on the campus of SKCTC, where she recently completed her training to become a registered nurse. (photo courtesy of Emma Ledington)
“I went in [to the JobSight] looking for a job, just trying to see what my options were,” Ledington said, adding that it wasn’t long before she learned that, in addition to helping her land a job, the Knox County JobSight could also help cover the cost of her training at Southeast and lessen the financial impact a college tuition can sometimes carry with it.
Ledington first met with Alicia Hill, an expert career advisor with the Knox County JobSight, which is located within KCEOC Community Action Partnership’s office in Barbourville. A partner in the Kentucky Career Center JobSight network of workforce centers, KCEOC provides Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services in Knox County under contract with Eastern Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program (EKCEP). Those services include programs for adults, dislocated workers, and youth between the ages of 18 and 24 who may need assistance honing skills such as résumé building or networking with local employers, or who need assistance being retrained or going to school.
After enrolling her for services, Hill determined that Ledington was eligible for assistance through the Healthcare Pathways Partnership Program, an initiative of EKCEP funded by an H-1B rural healthcare grant from the U.S. Department of Labor. The program, which assists eligible Eastern Kentuckians as they begin or continue a nursing career pathway, helped Ledington cover the cost of her tuition and supplies needed to continue training at Southeast, which she said was a significant help at the time.
“They got most of my school paid for, my books, and some uniforms as well,” Ledington said. “It was so helpful.”
Ledington said she was fortunate that from the start of her first semester her family was able to help cover the costs for her education, along with some scholarships, but college can be expensive and the assistance she received from KCEOC just before she began her third semester lessened the load for Ledington and her family.
“I was very grateful that we found this resource and that we could get it paid for,” she said. “That’s just one less burden on our family, absolutely.”
With that support from KCEOC in place, Ledington completed her training and obtained her nursing degree in May 2023. Before graduating, Ledington already had a job offer with the Appalachian Regional Healthcare hospital in Barbourville, which she was happy to accept not just to begin working full-time as a nurse, but also to be able to make a career in her native Knox County.
“It’s home,” she said. “And I love the people, love who I work with and work for.”
Fast forward to July and Ledington is busy taking the first steps on her career path as a nurse, and said she is happy she decided to enroll for services through the KCEOC JobSight and would recommend others looking to jumpstart a career or even get a new job look into what might be available for them, too.
“There’s so many opportunities that I didn’t even know existed until we set up an appointment and then went down there and spoke with Ali,” she said. “It was wonderful.”
If you’re interested in applying for career and employment services, visit to find your nearest Kentucky Career Center JobSight and contact a career advisor to get started.
EKCEP, a nonprofit workforce development agency headquartered in Hazard, Ky., serves the citizens of 23 Appalachian coalfield counties. The agency provides an array of workforce development services and operates the Kentucky Career Center JobSight network of workforce centers, which provide access to more than a dozen state and federal programs that offer employment and training assistance for job seekers and employers all under one roof. Learn more about us at or